關於21st century skills的評價, Yo-Yo Ma
What is creativity? There's the theory and the practice, and to be a #culturalcitizen, you need to ...
What is creativity? There's the theory and the practice, and to be a #culturalcitizen, you need to ...
How would you use the arts to give the brain a wo...
【唐鳳:「我不覺得現代世界還有天才的說法。」】那語言天才呢? 今早在台大外文系某教授的牆上,看到了...
Every Friday Romantic Dinner with my lovely wife (...
應該很多人跟我一樣,都覺得COVID-19 有完沒完。今天晚上跟母親說,這好像是我這個年齡的人,第一...
想加入創投產業的可以好好把握這個機會 Friends, I need your help! 朋...
【DEBATE Camp】我老婆除了好有心「教育我😅」,更好有心做兒童教育。My 3 girls a...
給進入21世紀的老師們 過去我們的知識傳授,大都是靠著黑、白板、書、PPT與演說,前幾個世紀都是...
"45% of the time is wasted every week because data...
The only skill that will be important in the 21st...